Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Monday, May 10, 2004

`A Nossa

Depois de ler o artigo escrito por um tal Larry Rohter publicado no New York Times de ontem, fiquei tao puta dentro da roupa que escrevi uma carta pro editor, ao inves de tirar as calcas pela cabeca, o que na verdade era o que queria fazer.
Quem estiver interessado em ler o artigo em ingles:
cliquem em International e depois Americas. E' o primeiro artigo da pagina.
Mas acho que todo mundo ja' ta' sabendo o que foi escrito. E' sobre o Lula enchendo o carao.
Bom, aqui esta' a carta que escrevi ha' pouco:

To the editor

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am appalled at Mr Larry Rohter's piece - Brazilian Leader's Tippling Becomes National Concern (May 9). For brevity's sake:
1) One would have thought that were Lula indeed an alcoholic, this information would have long been made public by the several politicians running against him in the several times he's run for president since 1984. It is, for this reason alone, not a national concern, for no-one has ever heard this!
2) Perhaps it would be a good idea to base this individual who calls himself a journalist in Brasilia, the capital and political centre since 1960, instead of Rio de Janeiro, so he could at least have an opportunity to observe and try to acquire sources who have a higher chance of being politically well informed, for clearly, he isn't.
3) After Mr Jason Blair's fiasco, one would have thought the NYTimes would be much more careful before printing a story, especially one whose content is offensive, to say the least, and whose veracity is highly dubious.
On a happier note, I am happy to know that Mr George W. Bush hasn't had a drink for eons. As Mr P J O'Rourke would say: "It is a known fact that a man who refuses a glass of wine is an alcoholic."


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