Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mixed Feelings

Up till now this World Cup has not been as good as I was hoping. It's still early and most countries have not yet played, I know, but still...

Argentina vs. Nigeria

Disappointing. The Nigerians were not as well-prepared and in good enough shape to face a team like Argentina. The Argies did not show what they're capable of doing and spent far too long playing with each other more than vs. the Nigerians. They wasted time, as usual, after they scored early on, making a mockery of supporters.

Deutschland Über Alles vs. Australia the Beautiful

Unsurprising. The Germans gave us what we wanted and expected of them, demonstrating exceptional harmony among the players and quick, precise short passes and rehearsed plays. They are also in v good shape and even after scoring 4 beautiful goals they did not do what the Argies usually do (hang back without risking losing possession of the ball), but carried on playing as if they still had to score -- the way it's supposed to be, if you ask me! Australia... well, they're not BAD per se, they just looked mediocre because their adversary is largely superior. After watching this match I can only say one thing: I hope Brasil doesn't have to play them in the quarter- or semi-finals. A Brasil vs. Germany final would be FAR better. Just like in 2002. Grin.

US vs. England

Extraordinary. So far this has been my fav match, because despite England's superior skills and tradition, the US showed real passion for the game and managed a tie which is more than I (and many many people) expected. I found myself rooting for them! What happened to Green, the English goalkeeper, was v v sad, but...if goalkeepers were perfect, there would be no footie at all.

Mas Amanhã...

Is of course going to be the match I'm waiting for. Even if winning vs. N Korea isn't exactly glorious, one has to start somewhere. I can't wait!

Vai Brasil! sil sil sil sil!

Champ de Mars, Argentina vs. Nigeria

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