Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Friday, June 11, 2010

Copa do Mundo!

N'kosi Sikeleli Africa!

Today is a special day. Millions upon millions of people all around the world have waited for it for four years. I'm one of them.

Mexico vs. South Africa


France vs. Uruguay

Very difficult for me to decide which country to support in these matches. I want S. Africa to win the cup if Brasil doesn't -- it'd be inspiring. So... S. Africa. When it comes to the second match of the day... argh! France qualified by cheating. Uruguay cheats during matches. - Rock. Me. Hard place. - OK. I'll choose Uruguay simply because they play better than France most of the time, despite their violent, low, reprehensible, abhorrent cheating. No, this does not mean I have forgotten and forgiven their victory in 1950 in the Maracanã, but Fair Play counts for me even if it doesn't for the Uruguayans...the Argies...the Colombians, the Chileans, the ... uh you can see where I'm going with this...

So here's to a World Cup without violence, cheating, and Brazilian defeats.


Anonymous said...

Uh... nope, where were you going with that?

Bel said...

That the only South American country that deserves to win the World Cup is Brasil!!!!! Obviously!!

Anonymous said...

Ol' dopey me, I should have seen the obvious!