Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Saturday, June 26, 2010

As a token of my commitment to World Cup blogging, I share this gem with you all. My recent neglect notwithstanding, I am watching most matches. Brasil plays this Monday, so I should write something about that match. Yday's match vs. Portugal was disappointing, so I won't bother to comment...

This referee makes me nostalgic for a more insouciant time when football was about passion and fun first. His name was Margarida (Daisy in Portuguese - yes, was; he died a while ago) and his popularity attested to how tolerant and good-natured football fans & players can be; Margarida was a v good ref who was respected by players and fans alike, and not only for the many moments of laughter he provided us all with his flamboyant style. So, footie fans are not all brutes who destroy small German towns when they (we!) lose...

Also, the refs in this World Cup should be collectively fired. I don't remember seeing so many 'mistakes' in one World Cup.



Anonymous said...

Out of morbid and somewhat macabre(the only kind I have) curiosity, was his demise prefaced by bursting into flames as he pirouetted across the field?

Bel said...

hahaha no! this kind of joy doesn't let anyone burst into flames. He died in the way I wish to: he turned into glitter! x