Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Remember when you'd see a film and, when it ended, you asked yourself or those with whom you saw it: "I wonder if there's going to be a sequel!"?

That thrill of wanting more is exactly the same as leaving the table knowing you want more of that dish or dessert.  Knowing you didn't have enough, just because it was so good.

To me, the mark of a good film or book is this.  Even if at the end one is a little puzzled, not quite sure if one fully "got the message", if indeed there is a message, but wanting it to go on.

What's currently happening is the opposite of that, for the most part.  A film ends and is sometimes immediately forgotten, because forgettable.  And the sequel comes even before anyone asks if there is going to be one; then the prequel; sometimes two sequels and a prequel. The dessert no one ordered, but since it is now on the table, we eat it.  "Hey, it was there. Shrug."

Once, I heard an anecdote about a Swedish man who was offered a slice of birthday cake in a birthday party at the office. He turned it down, claiming he was not hungry. When I heard this I found it so odd, like the ppl at the office in question; since when does one have to be hungry to eat a slice of cake? But now I get it!  I had not got it till Friday, and now I do!

Toma no Brioche!

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