Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Fotolog Fest

Ahhh the weekend. The markets are down, morale is low, the Brits can't seem to be able to tell the world who their new non-leader will be... Who wants to work?
No one. Not even bloggers. So to try to make things more cheerful - or at least more relaxing - here are some of the photos I didn't post in the Rome trip entries (here's one I didn't make earlier!) May I suggest a glass of ouzo (ugh) or perhaps a chilled glass of retsina (yuck argh ew) while you look at these... and maybe the soundtrack could be Carl Orff's Carmina Burana if you're feeling more dramatic or just want to be transported far far away... Travelling without moving.

Mesdames et Messieurs:

Murals & Mosaics

This is a mosaic depicting Hylas who was attacked and abused by beautiful nymphs, and then made immortal. Lucky chap or what?

I can't remember what this is...but my sources tell me it depicts Roman chariot races. I'll just have to trust this info is accurate.

This is a favourite. It is a mural made for Livia's garden (no...not Livia Soprano, Livia Augustus's wife). This whole room is covered with it, on all walls, and the light changes gradually and almost imperceptibly to make some of elements in the painting (such as birds and insects) appear. It is one of the most intriguing rooms in the museum. Sophisticated.

Some chick looking at this stunning mosaic. It's so big one has to stand well away in order to photograph it all.
Slaughter scene.

The-8er masks.

Pegasus ! I love this one with a passion. No Medusa murals though I'm afraid...

1 comment:

Carl Johnson said...

I like Livia's wall the best, but my fave photo is the one with the beautiful woman looking at the mosaic.