Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Friday, April 23, 2010

ed al secondo giorno...

Where was I? Oh yes. Colosseum. We spent so long there that we ended up not going to the Roman Forum the first day- it's right across the via from the Colosseum-- so we decided, or, rather, someone who shall remain nameless, decided we had to go there.... Being the sweet person I am, I agreed.

It was worth it. Hard to imagine that so long ago people could already build stuff. Erm. Ok I'll stop being sarcastic and say it IS an outstanding place, I WAS impressed. By the gorgeous olive tree more than by the ruins, though... Still, we had a few laughs (mainly me, chasing an Irish guide around hoping for a free explanation of most of it...)
Photos of the Roman Forum can be found easily online, so I shan't bother to post a million rather mediocre ones just because they were taken by me. Ok, just one. As you can see, archeologists are still at work there. In fact, the reason why Rome proper only has 2 metro lines is because of the archeological sites. What a hassle. I wouldn't like that part of living in Rome; the public transportation system...well, let's just say the Ancients would have been in awe of it, but not the Enlightenment philosophers...

We started heading out so we could visit another monument in the afternoon, and after climbing the stairs that lead to the street we had a supadupahypercool view of the city:
I love adore great surprise views, you know, when you're just walking, not expectng anything much and suddenly- whoa. It taps you on the shoulder lightly but feels like a punch, albeit a friendly one.

et nel pomeriggio

It was time for some great indoors roaming, ooh-ing and ahh-ing. Naturally, that means the ex-home of the gods&goddesses, before The Great Landlord evicted them and gave the keys to Our Holy Mother Church. No. Not the Vatican! I know...keys, the church...I know. I misled you. I'm bad. But that part comes later. Patience, patience! Rome wasn't built in a day, you know? Serious touristing takes time and effort, and a lot but a lot of reading if one wants to know what one's looking at. This is one reason why I decided not to go to the Sistine Chapel this time. (The other is because apparently it only stays open till noon and when we realized it was half past one...but no one needs to know this less intellektchul reason.)
So, what IS this monument we went to, you must be asking me now. "Tell me already!"
Well alright, allow me:

But before I do... let me ask you this:

You knew Marcus Aurelius?

No? Well I'll just have to find someone who did, then!

Ok, to the monument.

But not before I show you da main man, JC:No, silly! Not Jesus! Even John Lennon was bigger than Jesus! (rolling eyes) I mean Julius Cesar, of course! Duh. Helloooo-oh?

RIGHT! I promise, now for the monument:

Behold! The Pantheon! Home of the gods. And guess who was told off by one of the charming female guards for leaning against the oh-so-precious marble while she sat on the floor to take this photo so you ingrates could see it?
Look at this LIGHT!

Fiat lux, ya'll.

And so the second day came to an end. But not before we abused our feet some more by going to the Spanish Steps, or Piazza Spagna, where all the beautiful and not-so-beautiful people hang out, looking swish and sometimes not so much. I have photographic evidence I was actually there, but... I am not going to show off by posting millions of photos of myself when the star is Rome!

I'll do it the proper way, when nothing else can steal my thunder!

a domani, tutti! ciaaaaa-o!


Anonymous said...

Whaaaaat? No Gladiators? No Pizza? Where's the rental Ferrari? Not even a Vespa? >:-)

Bel said...

Ahhh... one can't please Greeks AND Trojans, you know. The pizza is on another blog-- HungryDimwits (link on right)-- the Ferrari is not me. I'm a prole! And the excuses there, you're entirely right, whoever you are. (°_°)/) <-- (waving) hi.