Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One of the best feelings in the world is going to sleep knowing something one didn't know the day before.

Tonight it will happen to me.

This is what I learned:

- .... . -.- .. -. --. -.-. --- -... .-. .-' ... ... -.-. .. . -. - .. ..-. .. -.-. -. .- -- . .. ...

--- .--. .... .. --- .--. .- --. ..- ... .... .- -. -. .- .... !!!


"The King Cobra's Scientific Name is Ophiophagus hannah."

(Thanks to Anonymous!)

Oh this seems so much like cheating doesn't it?!

But it isn't, because, rilly, an actual person figured it out.

And what is the difference between that and my just disclosing it, you might ask?

Well, lots!

a) someone bothered;
b) uh... someone other than me gave away the right answer on the blog first, and;
c) I forgot what "c)" was going to be, but it was important.

That said, I um, should like to thank all my fans and my uh, producer for such an astonishing... turn of events? (<"STFU!!!!">)

Or something.




(or, as we say it in Arab numerals, 30)



Anonymous said...

Snake...why did it have to be a snake?

Carl Johnson said...


Is what the translator tells me you wrote. Maybe I'll try again on a computer with a bigger screen so I can see the dits and duhs better

Anonymous said...

The King Cobra's Scientific Name is Ophiophagus Hannah

Bel said...

Yes! Well done!