Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Monday, February 15, 2010

Au régal des amateurs de littérature

Here's a book that's creating some controversy here, for several reasons.

The coolest of which, according to me, is that Marc-Édouard Nabe has completely circumvented the entire publishing Establishment- which has been boycotting him since the mid-80s - by financing his latest book entirely and selling it on his website.
Then there's the question of why he's been boycotted for such a long time, despite being arguably the greatest French writer alive. He says things that one doesn't often hear on television/radio. He writes things one doesn't often read anywhere. In short, he puts freedom of speech to (good) use, instead of rehashing the same tired postmodern/BernardHenriLévy-friendly school of thought that we're fed day in, day out.
I still haven't read this book because since it's gone on sale it has sold out within a month and I was not aware he'd released this book. I've ordered it but don't know when it'll be available.
I have read his tracts though, which he wrote and stuck to the walls all around the city, amazingly, and which are all available for free on the website set up by his readers.


Carl Johnson said...

marc who? I tried your links, and the second is live, but the website appears to be closed- 'fermé à cause de lecture'- with nothing to click on to get past the first page.
If you'll lend me the book when you get it I'll read it. Is this the guy who is the Céline fan?

Bel said...

yes this is the guy who's a fan of Céline's. I ordered the book on his website and am waiting for their instructions on how to pay it. xxx