Cotidiano de uma brasileira em Paris, comentarios sobre cultura, politica e besteiras em geral. Entre le faible et le fort c'est la liberté qui opprime et la loi qui libère." Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Saturday, March 13, 2010


For some reason I feel the need to go to confession this weekend. It's something I haven't done since ... 1992, the first and only time I did it. Perhaps it has something to do with my having gone to the Sacre-Cœur Thursday and seeing the confessionary there. Empty, lonely, forgotten. Pristine. Christine. --

I'll do the next best thing -- seeing it is 8AM on a Saturday. I'll share a poem which is considered by Christopher Hitchens (whose atheist activism precedes him) to be the most beautiful one in the English language.

by Philip Larkin

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